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टेम्पलेट:Infobox brain

विकिपीडिया से
Anatomical terms of neuroanatomy

{{Infobox brain}} displays a right-side infobox showing information about areas of the human brain, allowing 2 images to be displayed at the top of the box.

Usage[संपादन करीं]

Insular cortex
Left side insula
from removing opercula
Coronal brain section
ArteryMiddle cerebral
Latinlobus insularis
Anatomical terms of neuroanatomy

The template is invoked using double-brace syntax (with the result similar to that shown at the right), coded as follows:

{{Infobox brain
| name            = Insular cortex
| Latin           = lobus insularis
| GraySubject     = 189
| GrayPage        = 825
| image           = Gray731.png
| caption         = Left side insula<br>from removing opercula
| image2          = Gray717.png
| caption2        = Coronal brain section
| part_of         =
| components      =
| artery          = [[Middle cerebral]]
| vein            =
| acronym         =
| BrainInfoType   = hier
| BrainInfoNumber = 93
| MeshName        =
| MeshNumber      =
| NeuroLex        = Insula
| NeuroLexID      = birnlex_1117
| Dorlands        =
| DorlandsID      =
| BamsSlug        = Insular-cortex
| TA98            = A14.1.09.149
| FMA             = 67329

Parameters[संपादन करीं]

The template parameters are:

name = English name for structure.
Latin = Latin name for structure.
GraySubject = Gray's Anatomy subject number, such as: 189. For details, see {{Gray's Anatomy link}}.
GrayPage = Gray's Anatomy page number, such as: 825. For details, see {{Gray's Anatomy link}}.
image = top image (omit "Image:").
image_size = size of images (in pixels, default=250).
caption = caption under top image.
image2 = 2nd top image (omit "Image:").
caption2 = caption under 2nd top image.
ImageMap = an image map template
MapCaption = caption for the image map
part_of =
components =
artery =
vein =
acronym =
BrainInfoType = such as: hier.
BrainInfoNumber = such as: 93.
MeshName =
MeshNumber =
Coordinates: =
NeuroLex = Preferred label from the NeuroLex terminology
NeuroLexID = Identifier from the NeuroLex terminology
DorlandsPre = Dorlands url number, such as: nine/000956217 (before .htm in url).
DorlandsSuf = Dorlands article name as you want it to appear in the infobox, such as "Insular cortex".
BamsSlug = identifying slug for the BAMS URL
TA98 = TA code. For details, see Template:TA98.
FMA = FMA identifier. For details, see Template:FMA.

इहो देखल जाय[संपादन करीं]

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